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If you ever visited a website called "Traci's Sensational Soaps" then your familiar with my products. In May 2003, after a 2 year break from selling my soaps, I (with the encouragement of family and friends) decided to launch a new site, with a new business name, and a new products!

Traci C.


When Not to Wear Contact Lenses

You should not wear contacts when you are in these situations
  1. While spending a long time sitting at a computer desk: The New England Journal of Medicine pointed out that all of the contact lenses of the material on the computer under the radiation exposure will lead to change in the composition of the original materials and may cause molecular mutation in addition to decomposition of small molecules. There has also been some speculation that these molecules may travel through the lymphatic system of the body. Such polymers, even if a small amount is discharged by the secretions into the system will allow the debris in inexpensive contact lenses to be deposited on the cornea to form a cloudy coating, causing cataracts.
  2. The plane: Because the cabin is considered a confined space, complete with air-conditioning which causes the air to become dry, causing a condition aptly named dry eyes making the eyes feel itchy. Thus, it is not suitable to wear Acuvue contact lenses, if you want to read book or watch a movie it’s best to use regular prescription glasses.
  3. Sleep: For the contact lenses to perform at their best during the day, they require a little breathing space so that the eyes can rest. It is advised that the lenses be removed every night and placed in a proper medium such a s a contact lens solution, the same that is used to clean the lenses.
  4. During the last three months of pregnancy: Because the last three months of pregnancy often cause general edema, an aberration that extends to the eyes causing corneal edema and wearing contact lenses will affect the oxygen permeability of the lens. It does not lead only to eye discomfort, but also affects vision.
  5. Swimming: Common wisdom dictates that one shouldn’t wear lenses in the pool as one might lose them, however the pool is full of chlorine, bacteria and impurities which will become attached to the lens, and easily lead to eye problems.


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Fun Soap Ideas
Use soaps to jazz up just about anything!

  • Kids/Teens birthday parties
  • Weddings (great for shower favors as well as table centerpieces..what a conversation starter!)
  • Baby Showers (Give each woman a momento to take home)
  • Purchase a few soaps once a month to keep in bathrooms.
  • Give them as gifts
  • Graduations
  • Family Reunions
  • Use your imagination!

  • 141231

    ATTENTION EVENT PLANNERS/COORDINATORS: Refer my soaps to your clients, if they use them, your business card could be placed here for 1 month! (Free!)